The Convention

The Democratic Party’s “virtual” convention last week seems to have gone pretty well. All the stars of the Party’s firmament were on hand and spoke in “virtually” one voice in their assessment of the individual who currently occupies the White House and of his performance in carrying out the duties of the nation’s

“The board is set. The pieces are moving. We come to it at last.”

With these words, Gandalf the White acknowledged that the decisive battle for control over Middle Earth had been joined.[i]

So it is now for the U.S. Presidential election scheduled for November 3, with both major parties having identified their respective

Still a Valid S Corporation?

Much has been written regarding the limitations of the S corporation, especially the requirement that it have only one class of stock, and the prohibition against its having nonresident aliens, partnerships, or other corporations as shareholders. The fact remains, however, that there are thousands of S corporations in existence, out