Woe to Us?

We live in strange times.

The coronavirus pandemic hit the United States hard, the scientific community fears a second round later this year, and there have been wildly differing estimates over when an effective vaccine may be available.

Millions of Americans remain unemployed and are struggling to stay afloat, approximately one hundred

NYC Real Estate on the Ropes

In March of this year, the Department of Homeland Security classified real estate as an “essential business.”[i] I imagine that the person in Washington who suggested that real estate be added to the list of enterprises that were deemed critical to the public’s security and well-being must have

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act became law[i] on March 27, 2020. Almost immediately, “small” businesses[ii] from every industry – including real estate – began the process of determining whether they would be eligible for the forgivable, unsecured, non-recourse loans to be made under the Paycheck Protection Program, which is

The IRS has determined that any person required to pay Federal gift tax or generation-skipping transfer tax or to file IRS Form 709 (United States Gift and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Return) on April 15, 2020, is deemed to be affected by the COVID-19 emergency and, so, should be granted an extension of time within which