This is the third in a series of posts reviewing the recently proposed regulations (“PR”) under Sec. 199A of the Code.

So far, we’ve considered the elements of a “qualified trade or business” under Section 199A, and the related issue of what constitutes a “specified service trade or business,” the owners of

Coming to America

Whether they are acquiring an interest in U.S. real property or in a U.S. operating company, foreigners seek to structure their U.S. investments in a tax-efficient manner, so as to reduce their U.S. income tax liability with respect to both the current profits generated by the investment and the gain realized on

Over the last few years, we have received an ever-increasing number of inquiries from “foreigners” who are interested in acquiring U.S. real property (“USRP”).

Some of these foreigners – meaning closely-held business organizations formed outside the U.S., and individuals who are neither U.S. citizens nor U.S. permanent residents – were acquiring USRP to be used