“Tax the Rich” in N.Y.

Over the last few months, we’ve considered on several occasions how Albany may respond to the fiscal crisis arising from the pandemic and the ensuing reduction in economic activity. These circumstances have placed an incredible strain upon the State’s various social safety nets,[i] as many individuals find themselves in

Moving To Florida?

A few days ago, one of the daily tax services reported that the billionaire investor and businessman, Carl Icahn, was planning to move his home from New York City to Florida, presumably for tax reasons. What’s more, the article continued, Icahn was planning to move his NYC-based business (including employees) to Florida.

Welcome (?) to NY

The Tax Foundation recently issued its annual State Business Tax Climate Index. The 2019 Index compares the fifty States across five major areas of taxation: corporate taxes, individual income taxes, sales taxes, unemployment insurance taxes, and property taxes; it then adds the results to generate a final, overall ranking. According