Uptick in Business Divorces?

I’ve read a number of articles over the last few weeks in which marriage counselors have been predicting a wave of divorce filings once the COVID-19 quarantine has been lifted.[i]

That may be – we’ll just have to wait and see.[ii] Query, however, whether “business divorces” will follow suit?

A couple of years ago, this blog carried an article that briefly considered whether the gain realized by a taxpayer on the sale of a contract should be treated as ordinary income or capital gain for tax purposes.[i]

As it turned out, that piece has been one of the most popular articles that we

Once Upon A Time . . . 

a corporation, Corp, was founded.  The year was 2006, and Employee immediately was hired as Corp’s chief technology officer and received restricted stock grants from Corp. As a “founder” of Corp, Employee initially owned 9.8% of Corp’s stock. However, each time investors infused capital into Corp, Employee’s interest