Coming to America

Whether they are acquiring an interest in U.S. real property or in a U.S. operating company, foreigners seek to structure their U.S. investments in a tax-efficient manner, so as to reduce their U.S. income tax liability with respect to both the current profits generated by the investment and the gain realized on

In today’s cautionary tale, we hear about a doctor, his self-directed simplified employee pension (“SEP”) individual retirement account (“IRA”), the investment of IRA funds in a business, and the consequences of crossing over the perilous line between “direction” and “control.”

The Facts

Dr. V., an anesthesiologist, ran a medical practice with three partners (the

“One Day, Lad, All This Will Be Yours.”

Many a closely-held business was created before its founder became a parent or when the founder’s children were still very young. As the business grew, and as the founder’s children matured, the founder may have entertained the notion of eventually having her children take over the business.

We frequently hear about the many wealthy foreigners who acquire investment interests in New York real property, and the complex tax considerations relating to such investments. Yet, we sometimes forget that there are many US persons outside of NY (New Jersey is still part of the US, right? Oh well) who are drawn to an

Every owner of a closely-held corporation has certain property rights, arising from his or her status as an owner, that have economic value to the owner.  At the inception of the business, the owner may count among these rights the ability to share in the profits generated by the business, whether in the form of