What would you do?

The decedent was an extremely wealthy man, with a net worth in excess of $3 billion. You are the executor of his estate.

Prior to his death in 2009, he retained one of the top tax firms in the country to review his existing estate plan.

Under his existing plan, which

I’ll take My Chances If I had a dollar for every time a client said to me “but they never audit real property transfer tax returns,” I’d be a client myself. I often hear this statement in the context of a transaction that a client insists should not be subject to the transfer tax, and it is often made in response to my analysis that the hoped-for result would not stand up to scrutiny.
Continue Reading Taxable? How Will They Know?

Time For A Change?

At some point in its existence, a corporate-owned business– even one that is closely held– may have to reconsider its corporate structure. What may have started out as a single corporation, with one line of business, and operating at one location, has grown into a holding company with multiple corporate and

Related parties, be they family members or commonly-controlled business entities, must be careful when transacting business with one another.  They, and their advisers, must recognize that these transactions will be subject to close scrutiny by the IRS. The parties must treat each other, as much as possible, as unrelated persons, and they must be able