Why Waive A Dividend?

For the most part, the shareholders of closely-held corporations and their counterparts in the public realm are subject to the same set of federal income tax rules. However, there are situations within each of these two realms where unique policy or practical considerations dictate the application of different sets of rules.

Constructive Dividends

In the last several weeks, I have seen a number of examples of what are commonly referred to as “constructive dividends,” including a corporation’s satisfaction of the personal expenses of its shareholders.

dividend_dollarUnlike a regular dividend distribution, a constructive dividend does not involve the formal declaration of a dividend by the corporation, followed

They’re Still Here

Once upon a time, before the advent of limited liability companies (“LLCs”), taxpayers would occasionally acquire real property in a corporation rather than in a limited partnership.

The corporation may have been created to hold the real property, or it may have been an operating company that, for some misguided reason, decided